We understand firsthand how
difficult it can be to support a child going through treatment.

We take this personally.

Our son, Carter, was born with a kidney cancer known as Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma. We discovered his condition when he was three months old. Over the course of a year, Carter’s treatment shrunk his tumor to the point where it could be removed along with his affected kidney.

While we were in the hospital, it was the kindness of strangers that provided a bright spot in a very dark time for us. Carter was gifted a teddy bear and books, and we were given blankets to make our stay in the hospital a bit more tolerable during those long nights.

Those acts of kindness spurred us to create Carter’s Foundation. We want to teach our son how lucky he is to be alive and how kind people can truly be. We started by donating on his first birthday. Rather than have guests bring Carter a gift, we requested that guests bring an unwrapped toy, stuffed animal, or activity book for us to donate to the Pediatric Oncology Department that helped Carter beat Cancer.

We are now expanding on that idea through Carter’s Foundation to donate year-round. With your help, we will continue to donate and provide little acts of kindness to children undergoing cancer treatment or hospitalization in Southern California.

Thank you for supporting our mission.
Ashley & Stephen Santoro
Carter’s Mom & Dad
Founders of Carter’s Foundation

Make a donation.

Help us provide new toys, stuffed animals, blankets, activity books, and more to children going through cancer treatment and hospitalization In Southern California. Your donations also help us curate Parent Packs. Carter’s Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization and your donation is tax -deductible within the guidelines of U.S. Law